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Without Milk and Eggs

There are many people who exclude products of animal origin from their diet.
Some of them come to this choice for ethical reasons and health-related currents of thought such as veganism, which excludes meat and fish as well as all foods derived from animals.
In other cases, someone eliminates eggs and milk from his diet not by choice but by necessity linked to the phenomena of food allergies and intolerances. Indeed, eggs and milk are the most common causes of allergies and intolerances, after the gluten.
Food allergy is an immune reaction of the body as a result of the assumption of one or more foods that can occur with reactions involving the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock. Without showing a true allergy, there are people with a developed sensitivity to these foods that do not tolerate the continued use of these foods, which they consider responsible for general malaise (intestinal and digestive disorders, headaches, swelling and a sense of heaviness, etc. ..).
The Probios’ offer of choosing products without milk and eggs is big and covers all our lines.
These products have on the label the claim or logo „without milk and eggs“. This excludes them both as ingredients in the recipe, and inadvertent traces from contamination. To provide assurance of the absence of milk and eggs, Probios requires the manufacturer to follow an internal protocol to avoid involuntary contamination: self-certification by the manufacturer and suppliers of raw materials, cleaning of the equipment according to defined and demonstrable methods, specific formation of the personnel, separate production lines, days dedicated to allergen-free recipes. In addition, the exclusion of cross-contamination is monitored by laboratory analysis both by the producer and by Probios with monthly searches of allergens on sample products. It’s good to clarify that the existing EU legal framework does not provide a reference limit of sensitivity to the allergen as it does for the gluten (To help you choose, the following list shows the products available in our catalog, without milk and eggs.
Products without milk and eggs in the recipe, but containing them as unintentional traces, are not listed in the list below, for more transparency and clarity.

• the products do not contain milk and egg, or as an ingredient in the recipe, nor as possible tracks. So any laboratory analysis
shows a presence of the allergen below the minimum amount detectable by the instrument.

When you find the claim. . .