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World Environment Day 2018

After celebrating the World Earth Day together on April 22nd, today we want to celebrate with you another important matter: the World Environment Day 2018, which falls every year on June 5th.

This other important event in favor of our planet was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly, which every year chooses a particularly urgent theme aimed at raising awareness on the great environmental issues. 2018, therefore, was proclaimed as the year of the fight against disposable plastic.

Unfortunately, the Earth is increasingly put to the test by the presence of plastic waste that pollutes our waters, our oceans and all natural habitats, thus representing a real threat to all forms of life and natural ecosystems.

National Geographic has also decided to mobilize in this direction: the international magazine has, in fact, recently launched the #PlanetorPlastic campaign (over 117 thousand likes and about 58.7 thousand RT), which aims to raise awareness on the environmental consequences deriving from indiscriminate use of disposable plastic and on the whole theme of packing and packaging for "take-away" food products. The campaign - whose launch coincides with the release of the June issue of the magazine that explores the theme of ocean pollution - is part of a multi-year and broader project, which includes important scientific research, a partnership with bodies and organizations, as well as corporate sustainability initiatives: since June, National Geographic will be distributed within a paper envelope.

But let's see together what are the small daily gestures that can help us save our planet. Let's find out with the rule of the four "R":

  • Reduce, opting for the purchase of products with different and recyclable packaging

  • Recycle, through separate collection and proper waste disposal

  • Reuse, trying to give a multiple use to individual products

  • Recover, inventing new uses to produce new objects

If we love the environment, we can choose every day an action in its defense, starting from changing our buying habits and thinking about the future, trying to reduce the environmental impact through a careful selection of the products we buy and sensitizing those who are there close to adopting eco-sustainable behavior.