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Recipe: chickpeas with wakame and kombu seaweeds


500 g chickpeas (soak for at least 12 hours)
1 leaf of Wakame (cut into strips)
1 leaf of Kombu (cut into strips)
1 cabbage (cut à la julienne)
1 head of garlic
1 teaspoon of curry
1 teaspoon of cumin powder
1 teaspoon of paprika
strips of red peppers (roasted)
olive oil


First of all toasted in the oven or in a pan the dried Kombu seaweed for 5 minutes, until it becomes crispy.
Then in a pot plenty of warm water and a bit of cumin (without salt), put the Kombu seaweed and chickpeas and cook them over medium heat until they soften. Usually it takes about 45 minutes.
Once cooked, add salt and five minutes later drain them. Set aside.
While the chickpeas are cooked with Kombu seaweed, prepare the cabbage as follows:
in an earthenware pot with olive oil, brown the garlic with a pinch of curry powder, cumin powder and paprika. Add wakame seaweed and cabbage. Cook together with the spices over low heat for about 10 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. When they are "al dente", add salt and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
Immediately after, add the chickpeas with Kombu seaweed, stirring for a few minutes so that the flavor of the spices marinate vegetables.
Serve hot garnished with red pepper strips.

Seaweeds and spices help digestion of this dish heavy by itself.