It comes from a study by ISPRA - the National Agency for Environmental Protection - the alarming confirmation of an Italian trend which certainly we should not be proud of: Italy is on the top step of the podium in the ranking of European countries that make more use of pesticides in agriculture.
In surface waters, in fact, pesticides were detected in 56,9% of the sample points and in the underground ones in 31% of cases. A trend that risks seriously compromising the healthiness of water and soil - and therefore the health of consumers - but also the reputation of the Made in Italy agri-food industry.
The Board Request
In light of this the Board of environmental and organic agriculture Associations, consisting of 14 associations (AIAB, Association for Biodynamic Agriculture, FAI, Federbio, Firab, Italia Nostra, Legambiente, LIPU, Slowfood, Italian Touring Club, Pro Natura Association, SIEP, UpBio, WWF) has launched a signal, asking to pay attention to the National Action Plan (NAP) on the sustainable use of pesticides provided for by the European Directive 2009/128/EC.
In particular, according to the Board, Italy isn’t committed to supporting a fundamental cause for the quality of everyone’s life and for the economic impact that this has on public funds. The final request, therefore, concerns the favoritism of organic farms that don’t use pesticides, creating benefits for the environment, for health and for agricultural and natural biodiversity.
Probios answers
For years Probios has been fighting against a topic of such importance, setting itself as a reference point for a production model based on quality and respect for the environment and the health of individuals. That’s why the company has recently decided to support the "Change the Earth" awareness and information project by FederBio (Italian Federation of Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture), encouraging consumers to support a healthy and ethical agricultural model through the #pesticidesinsideus web campaign.
One of the many small steps that Probios has mentioned in order to spread, together and with foresight, the values of quality, health, sustainability and environmental respect.
Read also #Ipesticididentrodinoi: Before and After Organic Diet