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Welcome Spring!

“È primavera... svegliatevi bambine alle cascine, messere Aprile fa il rubacuor.
E a tarda sera, madonne fiorentine, quante forcine si troveranno sui prati in fior...”
This was singing the great Narciso Parigi, historical storyteller, in Florence.
I also would like to start by spring in this dialogue with you my loyal Probios customers.

During spring we are all elated, we see the gray of winter disappear, the sad rainy days are just a memory, we leave the torpor and with joy we prepare to face the hot summer sun, it's like a blossoming of body and mind: this will be the spring of our lives.
We have to reflourish of joy, enthusiasm, actors of a change that will lead to a life long hot summer sun.
This is a goal that many people try to reach but which requires efforts to be achieved.
Our beautiful spring will be full of sunshine, flowers and light. We are coming from sad years, full of worries, messy accounts, economic difficulties and spread, yes spread, this dragon that wants to devour us and of which we did know nothing, but we have come to know. It materialized around us as if by magic, and it seems that he decides the good and the bad of our lives. It is us who have to decide our life, and we want it rich of of joys, happiness, solidarity and love.
The new spring should bring us this, because it is what we deserve and what we should give to the next and the nature that surrounds us.
I am convinced that if we all put every day a thought, a gesture, a word for this new spring we will give our small but vital contribution to speed up this process of renewal.
Let’s enjoy all the colors of this new spring, let’s enjoy the beauty of all the flowers that the spring will offer and the more and more luminous wonderful colors that will surround our lives.

A hug of love to all,
Fernando Favilli