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Probios and University: 3 Projects on Alternative Cereals

Probios has undertaken three projects with the University of Florence, in order to scientifically test the properties of certain foods, 3 positive examples of fruitful encounter between research and business.

The first is an all-Tuscan research investigating new opportunities for gluten-free diet where pseudo-grains are a viable alternative.
The project "The effects of buckwheat on people with gluten sensitivity and irritable bowel syndrome" was held in 2015 in collaboration with the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine and the Foundation for Research and Innovation.
On the site of the foundation of all the information on the study and the interview to our Research and Development Manager, Lorenzo Tonini, who has followed the project (Italian only).

Another project in the pipeline is about pseudo cereals and grains such as quinoa, millet, amaranth for celiac disease, scheduled for early June 2016 always coordinated by the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine.

Then there is a third project ongoing on the cultivation of amaranth and quinoa in Italy that is taking place in collaboration with the School of Agriculture at the University of Florence.
The European Union, very sensitive to issues of sustainable agriculture, convened Lorenzo Tonini, Head of R&D, to present the project as a research and innovation opportunities.
Here all information on the intervention in the European Commission.
Innovate with ancient grains, on our blog the project developments.