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Old – Style Mustard: The Expert Answers

I'm a huge consumer of your mustards which I think are great, but sometimes it happens to me to find the cap slightly raised. Sometimes I find in other jars the notice to do not use the product if the cap is raised, while on yours I do not find anything written, what should I do?

The raised cap would be a problem if the product had the so-called "click-clack" cap that is the safety capsule that contains the words you just have quoted. For this product we do not use this type of cap because the mustard does not undergo any treatment and may experience a gaseous phenomenon caused by lactic acid bacteria present in the grains of mustard that do not preclude any qualitative result.
In old-style mustard that in the composition presents whole grains, sometimes the cap is slightly raised since such grains can continue to absorb the liquid and swell, increasing in volume. We are working with the manufacturer to ensure that the product to "rests" for a little longer time so that the gas are released more easily before packaging, although this has not created health problems yet.

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