Activities will begin on Friday, 8th at 11 am with a presentation chaired by Probios President Fernando Favilli, who will introduce the latest Probios products and those one produced by Il Nutrimento, a company that is part of the Tuscan Group and specialized in the processing of fresh organic vegetables, carefully prepared and seasoned to give birth to the products of Italian tradition.
"This is a very important project for us. Indeed, Il Nutrimento can boast a real short chain: for production, are mainly used raw materials grown in Italy. In this way, it’s possible to ensure a reduced environmental impact and promote Italian organic agriculture. Probios was born in the belief that selling organic products is not just a business, but favors behaviors that help make our world better, taking care of people and the environment”, explains Fernando Favilli.
From the afternoon and throughout the weekend, there will be many happenings. Special guest of the Probios weekend will be the vegan chef Gabriele Palloni and Paola Maugeri, dj, trend setter, anchorwoman and author of successful book for Mondadori: "La mia vita a impatto zero", "Las Vegans" e "Alla salute!", vegan for 18 years, committed to the spread of a conscious lifestyle. Paola will be the protagonist of two moments entitled “the conscious choice of what you put into the plate” (Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 at 3 pm), at the end of her speeches you will be able to buy and get her books signed off.
Chef Palloni will be engaged in three different showcooking that will guide visitors to discover the organic world, "free from" and vegan.
Friday 8, 3 pm
Showcooking ‘#chooseorganic for your kids: healthy but tasty!’
The chef Gabriele Palloni together with the food blogger Anna Bardazzi of 50sfumaturedimamma will prepare some delicious recipes perfect for kids.
Saturday 9, 11 am
Showcooking ‘#chooseorganic: Italian tradition in free from style’
The chef Gabriele Palloni and Tiziana Colombo (Nonna Paperina), a guru in the food intolerances world, will cook together giving birth to a “free from food” masterclass.
Sunday 10, 11 am
Showcooking ‘#chooseorganic to stay fit: sport and healthy diet’
The fit blogger Valeria Airoldi of fitfood.it will realize with the Chef Gabriele Palloni some recipes that “fit” perfect for those who have a particular focus on fitness.
All activities that will take place will be posted on Probios social channels through the hashtag #chooseorganic and #infavouroflife. In addition, visitors and enthusiasts will have the opportunity to ask questions about the topics discussed and to interact with experts and influencers.
Stay tuned to keep up to date on the new products presented at the fair, like the brand new "Organic Spreads in Tube" and the colorful "Fruits and Vegetables Sips" both produced by Il Nutrimento, and not to mention the crispy "Organic Chips of Legumes"!
…see you at SANA!
Download the official press release.
For more details and information, visit Sana’s official website: www.sana.it