Prep time:
Cooking time:
- 5 artichokes
- 1 lemon
- 2 eggs
- 150 g Rice flour for breading
- 1 l peanut oil for frying
- salt
- pepper
- Peel the artichokes until you get to the tenderest leaves. Cut the tips and peel with a sharp knife the base leaving a few inches of stem attached. While preparing, rub them well with the lemon pulp cut in half to prevent oxidation
- Beat the eggs in a bowl and then pour the rice flour into another bowl.
- Heat the oil in a pan about 20 cm in diameter and with high sides.
- Cut the artichokes for the long side and, if present, eliminate the fuzz in the center. Then cut them into wedges at least 1 cm high. Pass the wedges in the eggs and immediately in the rice flour to cover them evenly.
- Dip some artichokes at a time into the hot oil after having them beaten lightly in a sieve to remove the excess flour. Fry them for a few minutes until they are golden brown. Drain them as they are ready with a skimmer and place them on several layers of kitchen paper to absorb the oil.
- Serve them hot, salting and peppering only at the last moment.