Prep time:
Cooking time:
- For the pre-dough:
- -150g spelt flour
- -150ml barley milk
- For the dough:
- -275g spelt flour
- -125g barley flour
- -2 eggs
- -120ml maple syrup
- -100g candied ginger
- -1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
- -5g fresh brewer’s yeast
- -60ml sunflower seed oil
- -45ml barley milk
- -salt
- Prepare the pre-dough. Melt the brewer’s yeast with warm milk in the kneader, add the spelt flour and mix quickly with a spatula. Seal the bowl with translucent paper and let it rise for about 8 hours, until the surface is covered with bubbles.
- Sift and blend the spelt and the barley flour, put 50g on a side and add the rest (350g) in the pre-dough bowl. Melt the brewer’s yeast with warm barley milk and pour it in the bowl with an egg. Turn the kneader on and set it on low, then add the maple syrup and the egg white from the second egg (keep the yolk). Add some of the remaining flour and the powdered ginger. Increase the speed and let it knead for 7-8 minutes until the dough is well combined. Add a level spoonful of salt , the oil, the remaining flour and the chopped candied ginger. Keep kneading until the dough becomes shiny and elastic.
- put the dough on a floury pastry board, shape it in a round block and put it in the bowl again, brush with a few oil. Seal the edges with wrapping paper and let it rise until it doubles.
- Throw it again on the floury pastry bowl, pull the edges and fold them again towards the center, putting the edges on top of each other. Rotate it a quarter turn and repeat the operation.
- divide the dough in half and each half into 3 different sections. Slightly flatten them and roll them diagonally, paying attention not to lose the air. Attach the edges of the 3 dough together, braid them and close them attaching the final edges. Repeat the operation for the second brioche bun.
- Cover 2 plum cake 26cm molds with parchment paper. Put the brioche buns inside and let them rise in a place with no air flows, until they double in size.
- Gently brush the top of every brioche bun with the whipped egg yolk and barley milk, sprinkle some candied ginger on top. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes (Spray some water in the oven to create some vapor). Let them cool on a grill.