Upside Down Sandwich

Servings: 4
Prep time: 15
Cooking time: 5
  1. Crumble or cut the bread into pieces. Then pass it in the oven a few minutes to toast it well.
  2. Prepare the sauce. Emulsify with a hand blender the milk with the rice oil, salted and flavored followed with a few teaspoons of lemon juice.
  3. Gather in a bowl the freshly baked bread, a few tablespoons of hot water, the finely chopped green onions, tomatoes cut into quarters, one-two tablespoons of olive oil, a few drops of balsamic vinegar, well desalted capers, a pinch of salt and pepper. Finally stir and let cool.
  4. Reduce the mozzarella into small cubes and incorporate it into the mixture, which should appear as a kind of coarse couscous.
  5. Choose the most beautiful lettuce leaves, fill them with the mixture of bread and wrap them as if they were tortillas. Serve the "sandwiches" with 1 or 2 tablespoons of sauce.