Artichokes Filleed with a Salad of Oranges and Olives

Servings: 4
Prep time: 30
Cooking time: 30
  1. Grate tablespoon of orange zest, then stir in the Parmesan cheese and the bread crumbs. Finely chop the parsley leaves with mushrooms, previously soaked and drained, then add them to the mixture of breadcrumbs.
  2. Clean the artichokes, discarding the tough outer leaves, the stem and internal beards, cut cleanly the prickly ends. Finily open the leaves of the artichokes and fill them with the aromatic filling.
  3. Halve 2 oranges and empty them gently from the flesh with a knife tip. Then place the 4 bools of the peel in a container with a lid and centrifuge or whisk the pulp of the oranges; strain the juice if necessary.
  4. Fry the whole garlic with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan with high sides. Place the artichokes upright and close to each other, salt lightly and after 5 minutes put the lid on and moisten a littleat a time with the orange juice diluted with as the same quantity of water. Cook the vegetables for 20-25 minutes, then drain and simmer to reduce the gravy.
  5. Peel all the remained oranges, cut into wedges or cubes. Stone the olives and chop them, season the oranges flesh with the olives, freshly ground pepper, a little salt and 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil, cover and let marinate.
  6. Place the artichokes in the orange bowls and serve on dishes with side salad with olives and restricted ground.