Colorful Veggie Skewers with Pumpkin Puree

Servings: 6
Prep time: 30
Cooking time: 30
  1. Mash the lentils with a strainer and combine them in a bowl with the wheat germ and the grated peel of half a lemon. Blend the beets with a teaspoon of oil, half a clove of garlic, the wine, the mustard, the soy sauce, the tahini sauce, the sage leaves and one piece of rosemary’s needles. Combine the mixture with the lentils and add bread crumbs if needed to obtain a soft yet solid consistency. Add salt and pepper in the end.
  2. With the batter, create 24 round balls, place them on a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Bake them at 180°C for 15 minutes, until they’re steady enough to be inserted in the skewers without tearing up.
  3. Peel the pumpkin and cut it into squares. Peel the external leaves of the Brussels sprouts. Steam in three separate batches the pumpkin, the Brussels sprouts and the potatoes for 10-12 minutes. The potatoes and sprout should come out cooked but still solid, while the pumpkin should be tender. Put the Brussels sprout in a bowl with water and ice, to stop the cooking process and maintain a shiny green color.
  4. In a pan, heat a tablespoon of oil with some rosemary, a clove of garlic and sauté the potatoes for about 5 minutes (Keep the garlic and the rosemary, you’ll need them later).
  5. Create the veggie skewers, alternating the croquettes, the potatoes and the sprouts. With the rosemary and a little bit of oil, brush the skewers, add salt and pepper and bake at 180°C for 15 minutes.
  6. Prepare the puree. In the same pan where you cooked the potatoes, heat another tablespoon of oil and sauté the pumpkin for 5 minutes. Remove the garlic and the rosemary and mix it with soy sauce and a tablespoon of oil until you obtain a creamy puree. Keep it warm.
  7. In a small pan, heat a glass of water and the vinegar and boil the onion, previously peeled and cut into quarters. The onion won’t only become softer, but it will gain a vibrant pink color. Drain it, and once cool, cut it into thin slices.
  8. Serve the veggie skewers placing them on a layer of pumpkin puree and complete with the onion, the soaked raisins and the toasted pine nuts.