Spicy Brussels Sprouts with Cayenne Pepper Flavored Grapefruits and Fennels

Servings: 4
Prep time: 15
Cooking time: 15
  1. Peel the fennels, chop them into cubes and boil them for 5 minutes in slightly salted water; drain them in a bowl and keep the cooking water hot.
  2. Clean the Brussels sprouts too, then boil them in the fennel’s cooking water for 5-10 minutes, until they are soft.
  3. Mince the cayenne pepper and combine it to a tablespoon oil and some parsley, then season the fennel with it and add salt if needed.
  4. Grate a teaspoon of grapefruit juice and combine it to 2 tablespoons of oil, a pinch of salt and a generous amount of ground coriander seeds.
  5. Peel the pomegranates, cut them into cubes and season them with the almonds and a pinch of salt.
  6. Combine the fennel and the pomegranate and distribute them into 4 bowls, then place the warm Brussels sprouts on top and decorate to taste.