Tofu Muffin with Long Radicchio

Servings: 16
Prep time: 150
  1. Cook the rice for about 30 minutes (the time varies depending on the type) and let it cool.
  2. In the meantime, crumble the tofu and let it marinate with tamari and lemon juice.
  3. Boil the whole potatoes in salted water and then peel.
  4. Mix with a mixer the drained tofu, rice, potatoes and parsley. You'll have to get a soft but firm dough; if it is too hard diluite it with soy milk.
  5. Transfer the mixture into lightly greased special molds and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Wash the radicchio and lay it in a baking dish seasoning it with olive oil, tamari, lemon, minced garlic and salt. Sprinkle with the corn flour and bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees until it will be wilted.
  7. For the presentation turn the muffin upside down, loke a pudding, in the center of the dish and surround the base with the radicchio.