Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 250 g celeriac
- - 0.25 cabbage
- - 130 g ricotta cheese
- - 100 g of white flour
- - 100 g of durum wheat semolina
- - 50 g almonds
- - 1 egg
- - 1 egg yolk
- - 1 tablespoon of cheese
- - ½ teaspoon orange zest
- - milk
- - Extra virgin olive oil
- - salt
- - pepper
- Mix the flour and the semolina with the egg and egg yolk, a pinch of salt and enough water to obtain a hard and homogenous compound. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
- Browse the cabbage and boil only the outer darker leaves for a minute, dipping them immediately in ice water to maintain the bright color, then set them aside. Boil the remaining leaves for about 5 minutes: they should soften but not break. Drain with a skimmer, keeping the water aside. Squeeze, chop finely and then mix them with a little salt, pecorino cheese, chopped almonds, cottage cheese and orange zest.
- Roll out the dough into thin sheets and cut them out in squares of 7-8 cm a side. Spread the filling in the center and fold the square into triangle carefully sealing the edges.
- Peel the celeriac, cut into cubes and boil it in a little of the cabbage cooking water for 5-10 minutes. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt, one of pepper and the milk needed to obtain a creamy sauce.
- Cook the ravioli in salted water for 4-5 minutes, drain directly into the dishes, toss with the cream of celeriac and decorate with the cabbage leaves into small cubes or strips.