Saffron Flavored Barley Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms and Spring Onions

Servings: 4
Prep time: 20
Cooking time: 45
  1. Slice the white part of the spring onion; cut about two tablespoons of the green part into slices and keep them on a side.
  2. In a pan, sauté the spring onions with the oil and the minced garlic for 5 minutes. Then, add the minced mushrooms, the barley, and toast it a little bit. It’s time to steam with some wine; once it’s faded, pour a couple spoonfuls of vegetable stock and keep cooking like a regular risotto. When it’s almost done, combine the saffron and add salt if needed. Remove the soup from the heat when it’s al dente and not too dry.
  3. Make it creamier using butter or spalmolio and Pecorino cheese, distribute it into the serving plates and decorate each portion with the green part of the spring onion.