Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 12 slices of bread
- - 200 g of low-fat yogurt
- - 6 artichokes
- - 2 bunches arugula
- - 50 g of olives
- - 1 orange
- - 1 lemon
- - 1 clove garlic
- - 1 bunch of parsley
- - 1 teaspoon coriander beans
- - Oil
- - Salt
- - Origan
- Chop finely the garlic together with the leaves of parsley, then sprinkle with the chopped lemon juice and stir long getting a sauce.
- Clean the artichokes and keep only the most tender, cut them in half, remove the internal beardds and slice thinly. Toss immediately with the lemon sauce and a pinch of salt. Mix carefully the ingredients and let marinate for at least 30 minutes.
- Grate the orange peel and mix it with yogurt, grains of coriander crushed or ground, a little salt and a little oil. Peel the orange and cut it in half slices. Toast the slices of bread in the oven at 200 ° C for 5 minutes and season with a little oil and a pinch of oregano. Slice the arugula and distribute it on the bottom of 4 plates.
- Arrange on the salad artichokes with all their marinade, drizzle with oil, place in the middle the yogurt sauce and olives. Decorate the edges of the dish, alternating bread with half orange slices and serve immediately. If you prefer, or need, to avoid cereals, you can replace bread with potatoes. Helping with a slicer, thinly sliced 500 g of yellow potatoes of size as equal as possible. Roll it out on a sheet of baking paper, season with 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and oregano and bake for about twenty minutes.