Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 800 g of green asparagus
- - 100 g dandelion or dandelion
- - 3 eggs
- - 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- - 1 bunch of chives
- - 250 ml of milk
- - Extra virgin olive oil
- - Salt
- Peel the asparagus and tie them in a bundle with a kitchen string, then boil them "standing" for 10 minutes in a little high and tight pot that holds them close, leaving the water to get three-quarters of their height.
- Cut immediatly the first 8 cm of the tips and emerge them in iced water to conserve its bright color and cooking. Then reduce to small pieces the rest of the stems.
- Boil the dandelion for 5 minutes in the cooking water of the asparagus, drain it and, once warm, squeeze and chop finely salting lightly.
- the chives with a pair of scissors in a bowl and stir in 4 tablespoons of oil. Season the pieces of asparagus with half of this oil and let them cook for 5 minutes in a pan over medium heat.
- Beat the eggs with the milk, a pinch of salt, the dandelion and the parmesan cheese, add the asparagus passed in the pan and spread it all in 4 molds from 8-10 cm in diameter lightly oiled. Then bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
- Turn the pies in the dishes after about ten minutes of rest, drizzle with the remaining oil and chives and decorated the edges with half asparagus tips, or divided in half, and other ingredients to taste.