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Gluten-Free Oats? - The Expert Answers

I am celiac and for years I follow a gluten-free diet using many of your delicious products. A friend of mine told me that now you can also use oats in small amounts, I looked at your products based on oats and I find no written traces of gluten, so what should I think?

Dear, you can not find the words "may contain traces of gluten-containing grains," since the oats is still part of the cereals that contain gluten in itself '.
Despite the "opening" of some foreign countries towards this interesting cereal, studies on a possible tolerance of oats under medical supervision in some celiac patients, are still in the experimental stage.

In Italy the oat cereal was not formally liberalized until today. The new Regulation concerning the labeling in Annex relative to MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS causing allergies or intolerances, still includes oats: "Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelled, kamut or their hybridised strains and products derivatives. " Also the Regulation concerning the composition and labeling of foodstuffs suitable for people intolerant to gluten says that oats contain gluten, indeed, in addition to the already risk of contamination, oats has a wide range of different varieties, including some of them that may be more toxic than others.
For this reason, at the moment, as a precaution we do not recommend the consumption of oats, until final clarification by the scientific community.

To avoid misunderstandings in the next few reprints Probios decided to emphasize the presence of gluten in oats, inserting the phrase: it contains gluten.

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