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Nature…what are your gifts for us? Discover it with Probios!

Spring has arrived, so why embracing the rhythm of nature and bring its fruits on our tables? This will not only favor our wellness, but will also help us spend and pollute less, and avoid waste.

We all know, seasonal food are perfect for every recipe, because they are tastier and healthier. Among the most appreciated seasonal food, there are veggies, in particular asparagus: diuretic, low in calories and high in vitamins. Also, green beans are in season: perfect as a side dish, they’re extremely hydrating thanks to their water content.

Going on with those “shades of green”, other seasonal veggies are spinach, fennel and leek, with their special taste. If you want to give your meals a touch of color instead, go for radishes, perfect with salads.

Moreover, spring is not the perfect season to just eat veggies, it is also the right time to munch on fresh fruit. Kiwis, satiating and debloating, strawberries, but also citruses like oranges, clementines, cedars and lemons. So, why not preparing a colorful fruit salad? A sprinkle of sugar, some lemon juice, and the perfect healthy and tasty snack is ready!

Us from Probios always pay special attention to these aspect, with the goal to offer healthy products to our consumer: thanks to Il Nutrimento, we can guarantee a short supply chain, to support local and organic agriculture, following the natural rhythm of nature and seasonality of the ingredients.

Now, you have no more excuses: just pay attention to a couple easy aspects while grocery shopping, to make your meals compliant with the smells and flavors of this wonderful season.