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Pulses: High Quality Food

Probios accompanies you towards the rediscovery of the properties of pulses, high in nutrients and beneficial for your health.

Pulses are edible seed of leguminous plants, and they are a great source from a nutritional point of view, especially if they are organic, both fresh or dry.

In the world, we can find many types of pulses, mostly unedible because the seeds are too small, they taste bad or they are not so nutrient dense. But there are also some varieties that are cultivated in specific areas of the world, also very diffused, and plants that are cultivated and consumed just in a specific area. In italy, the most important types of pulses in terms of consumtion are six: beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, broad beans and soy.

Most of the pulses are really beneficial on our health: in fact, this type of food is highly recommended on low cholesterol diets. The nutritional value of pulses is due to its high percentage of high quality proteins, that are made of essential amminoacids. They're a source of carbohydrates and they have just minimum quantities of lipids, that are present in higher percentage just in soy and in peanuts.

They have good antioxidant properties, they're a source of fibers, vitamin B, and minerals like iron, phosphor, potassium and magnesium. Moreover, together with cereals, pulses provide our organism with whole proteins: in fact, if for many years they have been considered “meat for the poors”, now they can be considered as “meat for healty people”.

Probios, leader company in Italy in the distribution of organic vegetarian produts, designed a cous cous alternative completely made with pulses: an innovative version, completely organic and gluten free guaranteed, made with lentils and chickpeas flour. Probios' 100% pulses cous cous with chickpeas and red lentils is ideal for the celiac diets and for those who want to have a different type of meal with a brand new flavor, high in vegetal proteins and fibers. Probios' new pulses cous cous is also really quick to prepare and, thanks to is delicious taste, it is also perfect for many different recipes.
