Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 300 g of flour
- - 300 g ricotta
- - 250 g of brown sugar
- - 3 eggs
- - 1 egg white
- - 50 g almond flour
- - 50 g of candied orange peel
- - 1 lemon
- - 30 g of almonds
- - 10 g of granulated sugar
- - 3 tablespoons of brandy
- - 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar
- - 1.50 sachets of baking powder
- - salt
- Beat the three eggs in a bowl with the sugar until mixture is light and fluffy.
- Mash the ricotta with a fork to remove lumps and incorporate the egg mixture. Add the grated rind and juice of the filtered lemon, brandy, flour sifted with the baking powder, almond flour poured rain and, last, the candied fruit. Mix thoroughly all ingredients.
- Pour the mixture into a mold for Easter cakes on baking paper and spread the surface with beaten egg white with sugar icing. Sprinkle the granulated sugar and then the whole almonds without pressing them. Bake at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.